Augmented Reality Skills Training for Autism: Use Case #5 at the 2024 FSI Hackathon

As I was involved in this usecase, figured, I would share some points about it. Augmented Reality (AR) is rapidly evolving as a transformative tool in various sectors, including education and healthcare. At the forefront of this innovation is the application of AR in skills training for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The 2024 FSI Hackathon presented an ambitious project under Use Case #5, focusing on using AR to teach basic job skills to people with autism. This article delves into the problems this project addresses, the solutions proposed, and the future implications of such technological interventions.

Problem Statement

Autism affects a significant number of individuals, with recent estimates indicating that 1 in 36 adults in the United States have ASD. Despite high levels of education, the unemployment rate among these individuals remains disproportionately high at 85%. The traditional job training methods often do not cater to the unique needs of those with ASD, necessitating innovative approaches like AR for more effective skill development.

The AR Solution

Use Case #5 utilizes AR to create a simulated work environment where individuals with ASD can learn and practice essential job skills in a controlled, repeatable, and supportive setting. The training scenarios include:

  • Restaurant Setup: Participants learn to arrange a table correctly, ensuring all cutlery and settings are in place.
  • Catering Preparation: Ensuring items on a catering tray are arranged as per an order.
  • Retail Work: Teaching how to stack shelves in a store, focusing on the placement of items in designated, visible, and accessible areas.
  • Social Interaction: AR scenarios that assist with recognizing emotional responses and understanding social cues to help integrate better into workplace environments.

The AR system used includes tools like Unity for creating realistic 3D environments and Microsoft HoloLens for delivering immersive experiences. Participants interact with the virtual environment, and their actions are logged and scored, providing immediate feedback and tailored guidance through AI-enhanced recognition systems.

Technical Architecture and Future Developments

The AR training platform is built on Unity v2022.3.23f1, leveraging the capabilities of Microsoft HoloLens to provide an interactive experience. The future roadmap includes integrating XAPI2 standards to correlate user actions with business outcomes, enhancing data collection for performance improvement, and personalizing training scenarios based on individual progress.

The development stages of the project passed in a quick flurry, thanks to the generosity with their time from the participants, each of them adding layers of complexity and features such as emotional state recognition and voice assistance. These enhancements aim to make the training more comprehensive and aligned with the user’s personal learning needs.

Impact and Conclusion

The implementation of AR in training individuals with ASD presents a promising frontier in educational technology. By providing a safe, engaging, and adaptive learning environment, AR helps bridge the gap between the capabilities of individuals with ASD and the demands of the job market. This initiative not only accelerates skill acquisition but also boosts confidence among participants, thereby increasing their employability and independence.

The AR Skills Training project at the 2024 FSI Hackathon stands as a testament to the potential of emerging technologies to make a significant social impact, particularly in creating inclusive opportunities for those often left behind in the workforce. With ongoing enhancements and wider implementation, the future for AR in autism education looks bright and promising.

Konectin: Pioneering Professional Growth and Collaboration in Africa

I wrote about turntabl, a Ghanian startup before – let me introduce you a similar one, focusing on a similar aim. Konectin is a vibrant startup that is reshaping professional networking in Africa, focusing on enhancing connections and fostering collaborations that drive social and economic progress. This platform not only connects individuals and organizations across various sectors but also aims to build a community that supports professional growth through shared knowledge and innovative solutions.

With initiatives like insightful blogs that offer lessons and strategic advice, Konectin is dedicated to empowering professionals in Africa to expand their networks and influence, thereby contributing to the continent’s development. The platform serves as a catalyst for creating impactful partnerships that address local challenges and promote sustainable growth.

For further details on how Konectin is making a difference in Africa, visit their About page and explore their blogs for more insights.

Introduction to Heimdall Data: Enhancing Cloud Database Security and Performance

In the ever-evolving landscape of data management and security, businesses continuously seek solutions that not only enhance performance but also fortify their data against emerging threats. Heimdall Data stands out as a pivotal player in this arena, offering a suite of tools designed to optimize database operations and ensure robust security protocols.

Core Features of Heimdall Data

1. Performance Optimization

Heimdall Data’s database proxy solution excels in boosting SQL database performance through advanced features like automated query caching, intelligent load balancing, and read/write splitting. These functionalities significantly reduce database latency and enhance overall efficiency, making Heimdall a preferred choice for businesses operating on platforms such as Amazon RDS, Azure, and Google Cloud SQL.

2. Intelligent SQL Firewall

One of the standout features of Heimdall Data is its intelligent SQL Firewall. This proactive security measure learns from your application’s query patterns and identifies any anomalies. By doing so, it drastically reduces the risk of SQL injection attacks, a common threat in database management.

3. Integration with Active Directory

Heimdall Data leverages Active Directory for seamless authentication and authorization, automating the synchronization of user/group data into the database. This integration simplifies user management and enhances security by centralizing control over who accesses what data. The system supports LDAP and LDAPS, offering flexibility in how authentication processes are handled across various database environments.

4. Data Masking

In response to increasing concerns over data privacy, Heimdall Data incorporates automatic data masking. This feature ensures that sensitive information, such as personal identifiers and financial details, are obscured from those who do not have the necessary clearance to view such data.

5. Advanced User Authentication and Authorization

Each user’s access is carefully managed through specific authentication and authorization protocols, ensuring that data access is strictly regulated and aligned with organizational security policies. This granular level of control is crucial for maintaining data integrity and confidentiality.

6. Detailed Auditing

Heimdall Data also provides comprehensive auditing capabilities, logging detailed information about data access patterns, including who accessed which data and when. This capability is vital for compliance and monitoring, providing transparent oversight over data usage and access.


Heimdall Data’s innovative approach to database management not only enhances performance through features like query caching and load balancing but also significantly boosts security with its integrated SQL firewall, Active Directory synchronization, data masking, and comprehensive auditing. As businesses continue to navigate the complexities of data security and performance, Heimdall Data remains a vital tool, offering both protection and efficiency in one robust package.

For more details and to explore their full range of features and benefits, you can visit Heimdall Data’s official website.

Introducing Platle: Revolutionizing Education through Personalization

My next startup is also focusing on education, but it follows the principles I shared in my Digital Aristotle post.

In a world where traditional education often fails to cater to individual needs, Platle emerges as a groundbreaking solution, aiming to transform how students learn. Founded on the philosophical legacies of Plato and Aristotle, Platle is an innovative startup that offers a fully autonomous and personalized tutoring experience designed to nurture curiosity and foster critical thinking among students.

The Problem with One-Size-Fits-All Education

Traditional educational systems are increasingly criticized for their inability to address diverse learning needs. Students often find themselves in environments that stifle curiosity and do not promote lifelong learning skills. The cost of education is another significant barrier, making it difficult for many to access quality learning resources.

Platle’s Solution: A Personalized Learning Journey

Platle addresses these issues with its cutting-edge platform that tailors educational content to the needs of each student. This personalized approach not only enhances engagement and learning outcomes but also makes education more affordable and accessible. Platle’s features include interactive text prompts, continuous chats for context-aware assistance, and multimedia support such as images, documents, and videos.

Market Validation and Impact

The potential market for Platle is vast, with millions of secondary school pupils and university students around the globe. In the U.S. alone, the total addressable market for such educational services is estimated at $9.7 billion. Since its launch, Platle has seen significant traction, with rapid user growth and positive feedback from early adopters, indicating a strong demand for personalized learning solutions.

Comparative Advantage and Business Model

Platle stands out from competitors like Duolingo, Khan Academy, and Coursera by offering more flexible and personalized learning experiences. The business operates on a tiered subscription model and also offers licensing options for schools and corporations, facilitating wide-ranging market adoption through strategic partnerships.

Looking Ahead: Platle’s Vision and Goals

With looking for a seed investment, Platle is poised for further expansion. The funds are earmarked for continuous product development, team expansion, and aggressive user acquisition strategies in targeted regions. The company’s ultimate goal is to make lifelong learning a feasible, enjoyable, and enriching experience for everyone, anywhere.

As Platle continues to grow, it remains committed to its mission of revolutionizing education through technology, making learning a more personal, engaging, and fulfilling journey for students worldwide. The startup’s trajectory is a testament to the power of innovative solutions to longstanding challenges in education, promising a brighter future for learners everywhere.

🎉 Celebrating National ASL Day: A Tribute to American Sign Language

April 15th marks National ASL Day, a time to celebrate American Sign Language, a vital aspect of cultural identity for many Deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals in the United States. National ASL Day is not just a celebration but a profound recognition of the language that offers accessibility and empowerment to millions.

📜 History and Significance

National ASL Day commemorates the date in 1817 when the American School for the Deaf was founded in Hartford, Connecticut. This school was the first of its kind in the United States and played a pivotal role in the development and spread of ASL. The founding of the school marked a new era of education and inclusion for Deaf individuals, enabling them to have a dedicated language to communicate, learn, and flourish.

American Sign Language is more than a means of communication; it is an intricate language with its own syntax, grammar, and expressions. It embodies a rich cultural heritage and is integral to the identity of the Deaf community in the U.S. and across North America.

🇺🇸 Celebrations Across the Country

Celebrations of National ASL Day are as diverse as the language itself. Schools, universities, and community centers host educational workshops, storytelling sessions, and performances all in ASL. These events are designed not only to entertain but to educate and inspire attendees about the importance and beauty of ASL.

Social media platforms also buzz with activity, as users share videos and posts using ASL, spreading awareness and expressing solidarity with the Deaf community. Prominent figures in the Deaf community often take this opportunity to advocate for better resources, education, and recognition of ASL.

💡 Impact on Awareness and Inclusion

The observance of National ASL Day has significant implications for awareness and inclusion. It highlights the ongoing need for accessible services and education in ASL, pushing for advancements in technology and policy that support ASL users. Furthermore, it encourages hearing individuals to learn ASL, thus bridging the communication gap between Deaf and hearing communities.

The day also serves as a reminder of the challenges that Deaf individuals face and the strides taken to overcome these obstacles. It is a day of pride, celebration, and hope for a more inclusive future that fully embraces American Sign Language and the people who rely on it.

🌟 Moving Forward

As we observe National ASL Day today, let us commit to recognizing the importance of ASL not just as a language, but as a lifeline that connects us to our fellow human beings. It’s a call to action for continued support and recognition of the Deaf community, ensuring that ASL remains a thriving and dynamic part of American cultural life.

Introducing Directed Analytics and Their Revolutionary Software, 4SightGPS

In the burgeoning field of technological innovation, Directed Analytics is carving a unique path by melding engineering principles with non-engineering applications through their proprietary software, 4SightGPS. This startup is not just another tech company; it stands out by using sophisticated machine learning algorithms to tackle complex social issues, particularly focusing on enhancing employability for neurodivergent individuals.

Founded on the ethos of inclusive technology, Directed Analytics recently completed a notable Phase I project under the National Science Foundation’s Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program. The project’s aim was to develop and refine machine learning algorithms specifically designed to automate and improve the development of employability skills for neurodivergent people, who often face unique challenges in traditional employment settings.

The success of their Phase I initiative has set the stage for their next endeavor—submitting a proposal for the National Science Foundation’s Phase II. This next phase promises to expand on their initial research, bringing their innovative solutions closer to widespread implementation and potentially benefiting a broader audience.

The core of Directed Analytics’ offering is 4SightGPS, a framework that applies engineering problem-solving techniques to diverse areas beyond engineering. This software stands out for its flexibility and adaptability, qualities that enable it to be effectively utilized across various use cases. One of the standout applications of this technology has been in creating and managing internship programs for neurodivergent individuals. Currently, Directed Analytics is collaborating with a major company to stand up and operate such a program, which is already showing great promise.

Additionally, Directed Analytics is working with a workforce development program aimed at empowering underserved and underrepresented groups. Here, the focus is on developing crucial employability skills, thereby opening up new opportunities for individuals who might otherwise be overlooked by the mainstream job market.

What makes Directed Analytics particularly innovative is their use of an agnostic approach to technology application. This means that while their solutions are rooted in advanced technological practices, they are designed to be applicable in various contexts, whether it’s enhancing corporate internship programs or improving skill development in marginalized communities.

As Directed Analytics gears up to submit their Phase II proposal, the potential impact of their work is immense. By bridging the gap between complex engineering methodologies and everyday problem-solving in non-engineering fields, they are not just pioneering a new kind of technology application but are also paving the way for more inclusive and equitable employment practices.

The journey of Directed Analytics is one to watch, as they continue to break new ground and demonstrate the power of technology as a force for social good.

The Dawn of a New Era in VR Workspaces with Apple Vision Pro – Immersed joins the game

Far from being a small startup and releasing their own Visor headset soon, but I was invited to a beta testing by on the Apple Vision Pro. In the ever-evolving landscape of virtual reality and productivity tools, Immersed has made a significant leap forward with its latest update – the integration of Apple Vision Pro support. This innovative stride not only enhances the capabilities of virtual workspaces but also marks a significant milestone in the VR industry – low latency, seamless integration, good text clarity.

Effortless Setup: A Seamless Integration

The addition of Apple Vision Pro support to’s already impressive array of compatible devices stands out for its user-friendly setup process. Users of Apple Vision Pro can now dive into their virtual office environment with minimal fuss, thanks to the intuitive and straightforward integration process. The platform’s commitment to a hassle-free setup allows users to quickly capitalize on the benefits of a VR workspace without the typical technical hurdles.

Unmatched Clarity: A Visual Feast for the Eyes

One of the most striking features of using with Apple Vision Pro is the crystal-clear text clarity. This advancement addresses one of the long-standing challenges in VR: the difficulty of reading text. The enhanced clarity makes working on detailed documents, coding, or any text-intensive task a breeze, ensuring that productivity is not just maintained but significantly improved.

Low Latency: The Smoothest VR Experience Yet

The combination of and Apple Vision Pro shines in its exceptionally low latency, with their Wifi Direct technology. This advancement ensures a smooth, responsive VR experience that’s critical for maintaining a natural workflow. Whether it’s navigating through multiple virtual monitors or engaging in collaborative sessions, users can expect a fluid and seamless interaction, akin to working on a high-end physical workstation.

Closing Thoughts: A Milestone for VR Productivity

The integration of Apple Vision Pro support by is more than just a technical update; it’s a testament to the platform’s dedication to pushing the boundaries of VR productivity. The blend of effortless setup, unparalleled text clarity, and low latency makes it a compelling choice for professionals seeking an edge in their virtual work environment.

As we continue to witness the growth of remote and flexible working arrangements,’s commitment to enhancing VR workspace solutions places it at the forefront of this technological revolution. The future of virtual productivity looks brighter than ever, and with at the helm, users can expect a continually evolving and improving VR experience.

Introducing Clostech: The Future of Virtual Fashion Shopping

Staying with the fashion industry still for a while – the second startup I would like to introduce is Clostech. Clostech is a company, trying to revolutionize the fashion industry with augmented reality and AI.

In the dynamic world of online shopping, Clostech emerges as a visionary startup, aiming to address the perennial problem of dissatisfaction among online clothing shoppers. This innovative platform is set to transform the virtual clothing shopping experience through cutting-edge augmented reality (AR) and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies.

The Clostech Solution: A New Virtual Try-On Experience

Clostech’s breakthrough solution allows users to virtually try on clothing and outfits before making a purchase or, most importantly, after amassing a set of clothes you trying to match, addressing the challenges of matching clothes. With Clostech, the limitations of online shopping are replaced by a limitless and personalized virtual shopping experience, tailored to each user’s body type and style preferences, and with the ability to manage your clothing portfolio.

Key Features and Value Proposition

  • Virtual Dressing Experience: Users enjoy a realistic and interactive way to match clothes.
  • Creativity Without Limits: Personalized and limitless fashion styling and outfit creation.
  • Inclusive Virtual Store: A platform that caters to diverse body types and style preferences.
  • Time Savings and Efficiency: Streamlined shopping and matching experience, reducing time and effort.
  • Interactive Community: Users can participate in a community for shared fashion interests.
  • Climate Adaptation: Outfits are personalized not just for style, but also for suitability to the current weather conditions.

Meet the Team Behind Clostech

Clostech is led by a team of young, energetic entrepreneurs passionate about innovation. Founder & CEO Sufyan Ahmed, along with key team members like Chief Product Officer Sebastian Liviero and CTO Emanuel Quintanilla, brings a mix of creativity, technological expertise, and business acumen.


Clostech stands at the forefront of a fashion revolution, offering a unique, personalized, and efficient way to shop for clothes online and match existing acquires. So, please do check out them, and reach out if you feel like there is a connection 🙂

Did this material just Glyph in front of your eyes?

The first startup I would like to shortly introduce is called Glyph. They invented a unique material pattern called Glyph, that enables you to replace on the fly the surface of an object. The printed material can be on a piece of cloth, on a hard surface of a car, etc., enabling you to replace the look and feel on the fly. It works even if the material is torn, cut in half, rippled, bent, folded, stretched, etc., giving it a highly customizable way to change materials on your video mirroring, on large or small scale fabric in a place, etc. It is a game changer for digital and physical fashion industry, industrial design, and more.

Mixing this with 3D and 4D printing of meta materials, the possibilities are really endless. For more details, do check out Glyph Platforms!

Helping IT Startups with External Business Development Skills

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, IT startups are often at the forefront of innovation. However, while technical expertise is a strong suit, these startups frequently face challenges in business development, an essential ingredient for sustainable growth. This article delves into how external business development skills can be pivotal in propelling IT startups towards success. I was recently involved with some really awesome startups, so will try to introduce a few of them in the coming days.

Understanding Business Development in IT Startups

Business development in IT startups encompasses a range of activities — from identifying new markets and partnerships to brand building and strategic planning. For startups with a strong technical background, mastering these aspects can be challenging. That’s where external business development skills come into play. By leveraging external expertise, startups can complement their technical know-how with robust business strategies.

Key Areas of Focus

  1. Market Analysis and Strategy Formulation: External experts can assist in analyzing market trends, identifying target demographics, and crafting strategies that align with the startup’s technology strengths. This can include expansion plans, both geographically and in terms of product offerings.
  2. Partnership and Network Building: Establishing valuable partnerships is crucial for growth. Business development professionals can help in networking and negotiating strategic alliances that open up new avenues for sales, innovation, and brand exposure.
  3. Sales and Marketing Expertise: Effective sales strategies and marketing campaigns are essential for any business. External experts can provide insights into the latest marketing trends, digital marketing techniques, and sales funnel optimization specific to the IT industry.
  4. Financial Planning and Investment Attraction: Startups often struggle with financial planning and attracting investors. External business development skills can be instrumental in preparing solid business plans, understanding market valuation, and pitching to potential investors.
  5. Brand Development and Public Relations: A strong brand is vital in the crowded IT space. Professionals in business development can guide startups in creating a compelling brand narrative and managing public relations effectively.

The Benefits of External Expertise

  • Fresh Perspectives: External professionals can offer new viewpoints, untainted by the company’s internal culture, which can be crucial for innovative strategy development.
  • Specialized Skills: They bring specialized skills and experience that may not be present internally, especially in areas like marketing, sales, and finance.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Hiring external experts can be more cost-effective than employing full-time specialists, particularly for startups operating on tight budgets.
  • Flexibility: Startups gain the flexibility to engage these skills as needed, allowing for scalability and adaptability in a fast-changing market.

Implementing External Business Development Skills

To effectively integrate external business development skills, startups should:

  1. Identify Specific Needs: Clearly define what areas require external expertise.
  2. Choose the Right Partners: Select professionals or agencies with a proven track record in assisting IT startups.
  3. Ensure Alignment with Vision and Culture: Ensure that the external team aligns with the startup’s vision, culture, and long-term goals.
  4. Set Clear Goals and Metrics: Establish clear objectives and key performance indicators to measure the impact of the external expertise.
  5. Foster Collaboration: Encourage a collaborative environment where internal and external teams can work synergistically.


For IT startups, external business development skills are not just a luxury but a necessity in today’s competitive environment. These skills bridge the gap between technological innovation and market success, enabling startups to grow, scale, and make a lasting impact in the tech world. With the right approach and partnerships, startups can harness these skills to chart a path towards sustainable and dynamic growth.